Sunday, January 2, 2011

Februrary 9th: Food for Thought

The next meeting of the Comic Book Reading Group will be at Cafe 1842, on February 9th, 6:15 pm (AKA the Usual Time & Place). The theme for this group of readings is "Food For Thought," as each of the selections involve looking at the means and methods by which fuel our bodies in a different light. The books are:
Short Life And Happy Times Of The Shmoo by Al Capp. This book consists of two stories taken from the long-running strip Li'l Abner, both of which feature the Shmoo, happy bloblike creatures that provide companionship, do chores, and can supply food products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt instantly. In fact, if you so much as glance at a Shmoo in a hungry manner, it will blissfully drop dead to provide you with a delicious meal. Needless to say, Abner's discovery of the critters heralds the collapse of human civilization. On Sadie Hawkin's Day, of course.

Elmer: a comic book by Gerry Alanguilan.
From the product description: Elmer is a window into a world where chickens have suddenly acquired the intelligence and consciousness of humans, where they can now consider themselves a race no different than browns, black, or whites. Recognizing themselves to be sentient, the inexplicably evolved chickens push to attain rights for themselves as the newest members of the human race.

Chew vol.1: Taster's Choice
by John Layman and Rob Guillory. This is the introductory volume of an ongoing series that follows Tony Chu, a cibopathic detective who receives psychic memories from whatever he eats--a useful, if cannibalistic, trait for a police officer. The art style veers a little towards the cartoonish, which helps the more otherworldly elements fit into the police procedural genre.

That's it; send word if you're having trouble finding the books, making the meetings, or just have something to say.


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